Pearl Road Improvements

Primary Service

  • Roadway


  • City of Strongsville


  • Strongsville

Tasks Performed

  • Funding
  • Roadway Design
  • Pavement Design
  • Drainage Design
  • Stormwater Analysis
  • Retaining Wall Design
  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Maintenance of Traffic Planning
  • Surveying
  • Right-of-Way Plan Development

Project Description

Euthenics assisted the City of Strongsville to study improvements needed, apply for and obtain funding, and then develop detailed plans for safety improvements to Pearl Road in two construction phases. The first phase extended from Shurmer Road to about 700 feet south of Drake Road. Additional lanes were added in both the northbound and southbound directions with a common two-way left turn lane. Other safety improvements comprised of an access management plan and traffic signal upgrades at seven intersections including signal interconnection and coordination. The second phase continued to Boston Road and included roadway widening to add a northbound and southbound lane. Geometric improvements to the profile grade were added to bring the profile to current design standards. Retaining walls were provided on both sides of the road at Stoney Hill to minimize impacts to the adjacent property owners. Common to both phases of the project was the installation of a new water line. New culverts and a closed storm water system were installed to eliminate roadway flooding. The project required right-of-way acquisition and community outreach during the design to make sure the affected property owners understood the project and its purpose and need. The projects were completed on time and under budget thanks to Euthenics’ team working closely with the City, stakeholders and the community.